Once upon a time, there was an INOSC.
INOSC created a network.
A network of local communities for people to learn how to make research more open.
Open science communities are nowadays spread across the world.
The world where the Czech Republic is not left behind.
OSCO at Palacký University Olomouc is here the first of its kind.
But it has its allies.
Allies of Aurora open science communities.
Open Science (OS) offers a new perspective of producing, sharing and communicating knowledge and research results and improves science's quality, efficiency, and reproducibility. However, OS has been shaped into various concepts, initiatives and sources, which can be overwhelming and making human beings feel dizzy and lost. Therefore, OSCO leads everyone through the OS world as simply, understandably and entertainingly as possible.
welcoming everyone interested in open science
providing space to people for community activities
building and strengthening knowledge & skills
exploring open science beyond open access and open data
Building and developing an open science community unfolds in 4 stages. Palacký University Olomouc launched the 1st stage, Prepare & Launch, when joining the OSC Incubator Program in the fall edition of 2022/2023, which guided participants to prepare their local communities. OSCO was officially launched on April 26, 2023, during a panel discussion titled "Challenges and Echoes of Open Science," organized as a part of the Academia Film Olomouc Festival 58. Currently, OSCO is in the 2nd stage, Grow & Inspire. We are building a network of people interested in OS and bridging the gap between students, researchers and research support. We aim to create a diverse and collaborative environment where all members can engage, enhance their skills, contribute with their perspectives and experience and provide tailored support. We are also establishing and enhancing OS knowledge and skills via courses and supporting collaboration and sharing of best practices via various events. Moreover, we are on Discord!
KURZY OTEVŘENÉ [ZODPOVĚDNÉ] VĚDY OTEVŘENY POTŘETÍ! Zapojte se do jedinečného vzdělávacího programu, který vás provede otevřeným publikováním, F.A.I.R. principy, plánem…
DATA in the spotlight🔍 Managing research data effectively has become an essential skill for today’s researchers. To help you navigate…
Kurzy otevřené vědy VOL. II! Kurzy otevřené [zodpovědné] vědy znovu otevřeny! Série 10 kurzů tvoří komplexní a systematický vzdělávací program…
Oddělení koncepce a podpory výzkumu společně s dalšími centrálním jednotami Univerzity Palackého připravilo a spustilo sérii kurzů otevřené vědy. Kurzy tvoří komplexní a systematický vzdělávací program, který si klade za cíl rozšířit a standardizovat znalosti v oblasti otevřené a zodpovědné vědy na naší univerzitě.